Friday 24 August 2012

Top Free Email Services

There are plenty of free email services around today so I have gathered up the ones what I think are the best:

By Google, it has lots of features and lots of room, secure to. They have lots of ways to help sort your emails out, although sometimes they do get messed up, you can also have add-ons, I once saw one where you can turn it into a game and see how many emails you can reply to in a minute. 

In second place its email by Microsoft. This is the new windows live, and Microsoft are currently transferring people over. I like it, its a lot more modern and faster. It brings it into line with the upcoming and great windows 8. Also it has Skype, and Facebook chat.

Yahoo.....who? So yahoo may have been going under the raydar recently but they still do have a pretty good email service. There might not be much to it, but its good for beginners or people who don't understand email that well.
Simple, easy, classic.

A not so known but still popular service by 1&1.
It does seem a bit outdated, but you have 200 domains to choose from, so its not just the boring you can have @cooldude, @lawyer, @workaholic, @birdwatching, @england to name just a thew. It's not so big on organizing and features. But because the amount of domains it gets 4th place. 

Some other email services are AOL, Zoho and Kids email which I would recommend.

Thank you for reading my first post, hope you like it! If you have any feedback, good or bad please comment.